Altoida Inc. provides health care professionals objective measurements of cognitive performance and is indicated for use as an adjunctive tool to aid in evaluation of perceptual and memory function in patients over 62+ years old. The Altoida iPad based application is the world’s first validated solutions to enter the market as a pre-symptomatic, computational biomarker to predict the risk of Alzheimer’s Disease. The Altoida "Neuro Motor Index" (NMI) application can detect early & subtle micro-errors (accuracy) and micro-movements (latency) during everyday function, up to 6 years prior to the onset of typical neurodegenerative symptoms, e.g. symptomatic Alzheimer's Disease". The Altoida NMI test does not identify the presence or absence of a clinical diagnosis and cannot be used as a stand-alone diagnostic tool and is therefore to be used only as configured by Altoida Inc. Altoida’s Medical Device “AMD” is an FDA class II medical device (510K exempt) and CE marked Class I medical device, enabling the following: 1. Early screening for cognitive decline patterns, specific for prognosis (at risk) or classification of Mild Cognitive Impairment “MCI” 2. Monitoring cognition through evaluating perceptual and memory function in patients at risk or with Mild Cognitive Impairment/Prodromal Alzheimer’s Disease Altoida Medical Device contains of the pre-configured Altoida iOS app and Web Dashboard Login. The “AMD” app offers access to the battery of three cognitive tests and is reimbursable in the USA via CPT Code 99483. Using an augmented reality framework that allows performing tests on complex everyday functions, while directly interacting with the user’s environment, we are testing three major areas: Spatial Memory "Hide-n-seek" BIT • Hiding 3 Augmented Reality items in real-space and finding them back in a random order Prospective Memory "Fire evacuation drill" VR-DOT • Learning a specific order of 3 evacuation actions using 3 Augmented Reality items and finding them back in exact order Executive Functions ‐ Psychomotor Processing Speed "Dual -task condition by varying difficulty levels" • Instruction to go from point A to point B in real-space (target a hidden object) • At the same time and once the patient hears a high pitched sound, needs to tap the speaker icon at a dynamic rhythm (dual-task) for the executive functions test • Or tap the speaker icon while discriminating between a high-pitch and low pitch sound for the psychomotor processing speed test After completing the test batteries, which requires approximately 10 minutes, the neurologist or primary care physician receives access to a full patient report and patient Data in real time, via a secure web-based dashboard, which is fully HIPAA compliant. Altoida's "Neuro Motor Index" (NMI) is the only ecologically valid functional biomarker (active digital biomarker) for early detection of cognitive & everyday function change that is backed by decades of research into complex activities of daily living. Our digital biomarker platform for doctors, researchers, Fortune 50 insurance, and governments, makes brain health assessment affordable, accessible, actionable and scalable.
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